THE annual dinner of the Old Boys' Association was held on J1{ December 15th, at Bird's Hotel, when a very pleasant and successful re-union took place. Among those present were Mr. Joseph Binney (Chairman), Dr. John Stokes (Vice-chairman), the Rev. E. Senior (Head Master), and Mr. W. T. Campsall (Secretary). The Chairman proposed the first toasts; Dr. Stokes gave that of the "Pious Memory of the Founder," and Mr. C. Robinson " The Navy, Army, and Volunteers." Mr. C. F. Lawton replied to the last toast. Mr. Councillor Furness, in proposing 11 The School," said that the Sheffield Grammar School was one of the most ancient institutions of this city, and that to-day it was stronger than it had ever been. He hoped for an even bigger assembly than that, for he thought that the School Old Boys' Dinner should be one of the most important functions in the city, second only to the Cutlers' Feast. For the very great successes of the last fifteen years the Rev. E. Senior was chiefly responsible, and he coupled his name with the toast.-The Head Master, in responding, said that the numbers of the boys had increased in the past year. The successes of the school in the year had been considerable ; in the Cam­bridge Locals, 14 had obtained honours and 15 had passed. At the Universities, W. S. Senior had been placed in the first class in Classical Moderations ; E. K. Chatterton had passed in Classical Moderations, and A. F. O'N. Williams had passed Responsions, both at Oxford. At Cambridge, J. St. L. Blakeney had obtained his degree, H. S. Darbyshire and R. W. Hammond had passed the General Examination. In the name of the School, and for his staff and for himself, he thanked those present for the way in which they had received this toast.-The toast of the "Old Boys" was proposed by Mr. S. J. Chapman, who coupled with it the name of the Secretary of the Old Boys' Association, Mr. Campsall, who had enthusiastically devoted himself to his work.-Mr. Moulson and Mr. Campsall responded. An excellent musical programme was provided during the evening by Messrs. Campsall, Lawton, Reynolds, P. Stokes, and Dr. Stokes.-Mr. Arthur Chambers proposed the toast of "The Chairman," and Mr. Binney responded.

NO doubt at this time of the year, when cold winds and fogs, and dismal, muggy weather incline us to dwell round the fireside rather than remain in the open air, it may be thought out of place to discuss the bust manner of spending one's summer holidays. But yet, as the late Mr. Mundella pointed out at the Grammar School Prize Distribution some years ago, one must of necessity look well ahead and be far-sighted if success is to attend our efforts. Perhaps that is more to be believed of the serious part of life, but scarcely less is it true of the lighter side of nature. If an enterprise is to be successful, even if it have no other object in view than the gratification of cue's own desires, it must be premeditated and thoroughly planned out beforehand. And so I am writing at this cold season in order that when the summer conies round again those who may possibly read this article with the ardent desire to experience the same happy mode of spending a part of the summer vacation, may have an opportunity to arrange such an outing before the proper time for taking it arrives.

How shall I spend my holidays ? Every year this same question is asked by thousands of people, and each year the various railway companies endeavour to give us the solution by praising up the beauties of some watering-place which happens to be on their respective lines. And thus the paterfamilias, induced by the tempting offer of cheap return tickets, sets off with his household to spend August at Mudlump-by-the-Sea, The boys have to go whether they like it or not. For a few seasons they are quite content to ride donkeys, dig deep into the sands, and paddle their feet in two inches of the sea. But when they get a little older they find that all zeal for the everyday life of a sea-side place has vanished. They yearn for greater freedom, for more adventure, and for a less conventional sort of holiday. Nor is it the highest type of liberty or the kind of holiday par excellence if, untrammelled by paternal discipline to such an extent, they are free to parade the pier at night in a high collar of spotless appearance, with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth. Having said so far what seems to me, at least, to be exactly not the ideal, may I be allowed to state what does appear to me to quite merit that degree of excellence ? Perhaps I may be accused of partiality. I admit that I am, and therefore feel able to speak with greater emphasis on this side. The following, then, is the mode in which I myself, together with another O.B., have spent my holidays for the last few summers. It has stood the test of experience, and has thoroughly convinced us that it is undoubtedly the best way for a strong boy or young man to spend three weeks or less to the greatest advantage.

If you happened to be at the Victoria Station the first day in August, about half-past nine in the morning, last year, you might have seen two people clad in Norfolk coats and flannels, not particularly spruce in their get-up, but yet with countenances which seemed to foretell pleasure in store. By their side were a couple of portmanteaus enveloped in rugs, and a huge hamper con­taining a tent, a cooking stove, tent pegs, knives and forks, cakes, and a thousand other things. Presently .the London train comes in, and those two people, with their baggage, are soon flying through space. After a few changes the train eventually lands them at a beautiful river-side village called Wrotham. Down we rush to the river-for those two people are none other than ourselves­our baggage following.

"Good afternoon, gen'lemen," says the boat builder.
" Is the Pearl ready ? "
" Quite ready, sir."
" And is everything on board ? "
" Everything."
"Then shove her off."

We hoist up the sail-a huge lug-sail, having over 200 feet of canvas­and gently sail along down stream, leaving Wrotham Bridge and its yacht­lined banks behind. How happy we feel, and what a thrill of joy at being afloat and managing our own eighteen-foot craft for a fortnight i This is the River Bare, which after its windings of nearly a hundred miles, finds its way into the sea at Yarmouth. Then these are the Norfolk Broads, Exactly. It is now getting dark, and so we look out for a suitable camping spot, which we are not long in finding. Rushing the tiller down the little yacht flies up into the wind ; we lower sails, and come alongside the bank. The bags are thrown ashore, the boat is moored, and in less than a quarter of an hour the tent is erected-that which is to be our only home for the next couple of weeks. And bear in mind it is not one of the antiquated bell-tents, but one designed and made according to the latest improvements, in the shape of an inverted V, like the roof of a house. By the time our little house is up it is quite dark, and so we light our stove, and cook supper. The tent is tidied inside, everything being done by system, thereby ensuring comfort. Thus my friend has for his possession one-half of the tent, and keeps his various belong­ings that side too ; whilst, similarly, I have the other side for my use. I cook, and he washes up ; he eats, and I ----No ! we both excel in that art ! And what appetites, too, next morning after a glorious plunge in the river ; the bacon being cooked whilst we are performing our toilet. After breakfast the camp is struck, and everything stowed on board again. Off we sail, still towards the mouth of the river. It is simply a perfect day, an excellent breeze enabling us to do five knots an hour ; a deep blue sky, so hot as to make coats unbearable-even the wearing of flannels seems a penance. The scenery and the river have often been the subjects of some Academy pictures ; and no wonder, too. What could be more beautiful, for instance, than inside this opening on the right, where the beautiful and extensive waters of Wrotham Broad reflect the green tints of the forest which comes down to the very edge of the Broad. Here are half-a-dozen white cutters sailing about, perfectly designed and built; for these Norfolk boat-builders are renowned for their skill. We must not tarry too long, however, as we wish to make St. Beast's Abbey by sunset, so with regret we leave this charming spot. The wind dies down a little round the next bend of the river, but there is not too little of it to prevent us tacking. And so on we sail, enjoying our lunch on the way. We overtake several yachts and wherries, since our own little craft is a smart sailer, having won over thirty prizes in her time. Just as the sun is setting, we reach our destined spot, and finding an excellent bit of ground at the junction of two rivers make all snug for the night. My friend opens a tin of luscious pine-apple, while I tighten the ropes, since the wind is likely to blow bard to-night. But what matter if it even rains ? Our tent is quite water­proof if properly fixed, and, besides, our ground sheeting is itself impenetrable, though to make doubly sure we had three extra coatings put on it before we started. Dinner is ready, and by the time darkness comes on, and the tent is lighted up, we commence to devour our viands with even greater relish than our breakfast, since with our long day of sailing we are simply ravenous. I must apologise for so frequently mentioning the subject of food, but it is per­fectly true that the Broads and keen hunger are inseparables. We are encamped on a bleak spot opposite the ruins of the Abbey of St, Benedict.

Next morning we have our usual matutinal swim, and with a strong wind blowing set off once more. It soon blows half a gale, and so we have to halt in order to take down a couple of reefs. Then our course lies to the left, up the River Thurne, past Hotter Heigham, to pass under whose bridges we have to lower mast and sail for the first time. Is this an inland village or a Southern yachting station ? For here indeed are congregated over thirty yachts of various shapes and sizes. No ! it is but a typical Norfolk village, picturesque to a degree, and its inhabitants equally hospitable. We spin along with a spanking free breeze, and after another couple of miles turn down a somewhat narrower neck of water till we emerge into a glorious stretch of water, about two miles in length and half as broad, called Hickling Broad. We rush across, and under the shelter of an old windmill pitch our camp once more. The view from our tent door could not be finer, looking out on to the expansive waters of the lake, and at eventide the low murmuring of the wild-fowl and the peace­ful stillness in the air and the glorious aspect of everything make one proud of being alive. Truly, here is a Paradise away from that part of the world spoilt by man's factories and smoke-belching chimneys. And so we go on until the fortnight ends, when we almost shed tears at parting with this glorious country. Why need I describe, for instance, South Walsham Broad or the unrivalled site whereon our camp was there fixed for a whole day in order to enjoy to the full its beauty. There you have the green award actually extend­ing to the edge of the lake, whilst on the opposite side a chump of lofty trees and at either end of the Broad a line of reeds skirting the banks, so deftly placed as to indicate a higher hand than that of a mortal. Or what can be more weird than Barton Broad, yet absolutely lovely when covered by the noonday sun. Need I relate how on Ranworth Broad our tent created such excitement that not only were we allowed to encamp on private ground, but received a deputation from the thunderstruck villagers begging to look inside the tent, at the same time asking our acceptance of gifts of fresh eggs and raspberries.

Is not this a life of freedom ? Here you can fish and shoot wild duck as much as you will. Here you can turn your craft where you like, and do just as you please. You return home much healthier, much browner, much happier than your neighbour who has spent a month at Mudlump-by-the-Sea. Why, then, the next time you intend taking a holiday, don't you go camping on the Norfolk Broads ?

" But don't you find it a very expensive holiday?" we are often asked. To which we reply that it is quite the cheapest outing of all considering the way we do it. As a matter of fact, a five-pound note has always covered every expense that each of our several holidays on the Broad has cost us! Compare this with even the amount at which seaside lodgings are obtained, and it will be manifest which is the cheaper mode of living.

" Yes, but it must be very dangerous to sleep in a tent," is very frequently urged against our gipsy kind of life. But for strong fellows and with average care nothing can be more healthy.

I hope I have said enough to justify my opinion of an ideal holiday. If anyone is anxious to adopt the same method as we have done I can promise him never to regret it, but even to long for the same to be repeated. Perhaps the Editor will not object to my adding that if any reader should wish for further information on the subject I shall at all times be most happy to give any assistance in my power. E. K. C.


Some bards there be whose theme for ever lies
In England's glory, and her sovereign sway;
To tell in strain heroic how the brave
Soldiers of Britain,

Like lusty eagles soaring next the sun,
Then pouncing down upon the frightened fold,
'Neath India's skies remote have brought. defeat (?)
On the Afridis.

In prose let others write of questions vexed,
The Education, or the Eastern " mess,"
Turkey decayed, the German demigod­
Emperor William.

Still others chant the joys of Jubilee;­
And strife political can never die.
Should Liberals hold the helm, or are we safe
Salisbury leading?

But such as these but dim the poet's eye,
And mar discernment of the beautiful.
Me too the Muse inspires to sing of loves,
Charming the hours.

Of Love and Wine, two world-wide deities;
Creators of a thousand endless joys.
My slighter lyric harp beseemeth not
Barbarous battles.

Child of the Muses, I must fling away
Anxiety and all-pervading Care ;
And ignorant of what the morrow holds,
Snatch the day's pleasure.

WE have been favoured with the following extracts from a series of interesting letters written by a young officer of the Royal Engineers, giving an account of some of the fighting which took place last August and September on the Samana Range. The writer is a nephew of the Rev. A. B. Haslam.

Kohat, 26th July, 1897.

The Samana Ridge . . . is from 6,000 to 7,000 feet high and about 37 miles West of this-20 by road and 17 more by a mere hill track. It was only occupied about five years ago, and except those officers who are quartered in Forts Lockhart and Cavagnari everyone lives in tents up there. I am going up to camp on the Samana as soon as my heavy luggage arrives    I shall, I suppose, mess with the 36th Sikhs, who furnish the guards on the ridge. I am looking forward to a glorious time out these

Fort Lockhart, Aug. 7th,

I had a 24-mile "Tonga" drive, and arrived at Ilangu at 10 p.m. on Wednesday evening (Aug. 4th). Hangs is simply a collection of mud-houses, two of which are larger than the others and more or less fall of loop-holes. These are the dak bungalow and the civil rest house.

On Friday morning my luggage started at 2 a.m., and Taj Mahommed (the Sub-Overseer) and I, on ponies, at 5-30 a.m. We arrived here after a 17 mile ride and a climb of 3,600 feet at 8-30 a.m. My old' Merrilegs" was quite happy, going up slopes of 1 in 5 at a canter.

Fort Lockhart, Aug, 14th.

Everything is hopelessly damp. I have not put on dry clothes for a week, and my boy has had to dry my match before the fire so that I may be able to light my pipe.

I had a great game of hockey yesterday. Four of the officers of the 36th Sikhs and myself and some native officers and sepoys from the regiment were playing. Many of these played with legs bare to the knee, and some with bare feet. They were uncommonly good, some of them, and didn't seem to care twopence when they got a furious whack on the bare shin.

Fort Lockhart, Aug. 22nd.

A few shots were fired on the Deputy Commissioner's bungalow the other day about 2 a.m. I was in my tent, which had been shifted into the hornwork of the fort, and woke at once, and went out to find the Colonel and Adjutant already out on the parapet looking out into the mist and darkness. Suddenly a volley came from the bastion of the fort; M. loosed off his revolver, and ultimately they found that they had been firing at a pi-dog or jackal that was caught in the string entanglements outside.

We had " reliable " information that 16,000 men had collected to attack the ridge on Friday night, and we all slept in our clothes to our great discomfort, but nothing came of it. I was bitterly disappointed as I wanted to try my gun, made out of a section of telegraph past wound round with wire, It threw three or four pounds of lead slugs 150-200 yards at the trial, but people scoffed at it because it continually missed fire. I bad just -put that right and had it all ready in time for Friday.

On Monday last I rode over with the Colonel to Gulistan, five miles off, to inspect the fortifications, Like all the forts round here it is tremendously strong, though the hornwork (compound containing the officers' houses, &c.) is hardly as strong as this.

The forts are more like feudal castles than anything else; they have stone walls 12 to 20 feet high and no windows or openings of any sort on the outside except the main gate, which is under an archway, the roof of which is pierced for rifle fire from above. The doors of the smaller forts are not iron-plated and we have been covering them with kerosene tins to make them look bullet­proof and fire-proof. It gives them a most imposing appearance. I should never have believed it had I not seen it.

Fort Lockhart, Aug. 28th.

You will have seen in The Standard of to-morrow, I suppose, the account of the fighting round Gulistan, or Cavagnari as it is variously called. The Lashkar, or army of the tribesmen, collected in the Khanki Valley, and part marched towards Shinawari police fort (at the S. W. end of the ridge). Early yesterday morning we heard from Gulistan that Shinawari had been attacked, and that Major des Voeux of the 86th, at Gulistan, had been fighting in self­defence since 4-30 a.m. Colonel Haughton took some of the garrison from here over to Gulistan. We arrived about 9 a.m. Some of us had cantered on and were about half-a-mile ahead. Just as we were entering the fort they had half-a­dozen shots at us; one bullet passed just behind my pony. They also fired at the men but shot over their heads We saw then on the hill above Gulistan, and they did not appear to be more than 1,000. But Major des Voeux and Lieut, Blair, who had made a sortie early in the morning, said that there were at least 6,000. So we signalled to Hangu for a couple of guns and sat tight. Presently we saw them trying to get under cover of a small bill about 400 yards from the fort; so Munn and Blair took out about 80 men and crept up our side of this hill unperceived and got half a-dozen volleys into them ; a few bullets fell around them, but not many. Suddenly we saw Blair walking down the hill; then one of the men took his arm, and we realized that he was wounded, but we concluded only slightly. He was awfully plucky about it, as we understood afterwards, when the doctor told us that a Snider bullet had gone right through his left lung ; anything might happen, he said, but Blair was in very good condition and health at the time, so he had every chance.

In the afternoon 50 men were sent back here (Fort Lockhart), straggling, so as to make the enemy think that the whole lot of us had returned and to induce them to attack Gulistan. I came back with a wire from the Colonel (the telegraph line stops at Fort Lockhart). When I left at 5 p.m. the enemy had disappeared completely from the hill, and it was thought that they had gone to attack Shinawari again. Meanwhile there had been fighting at Goghra, Sifeldarra, and Lacca (at the E. end of the ridge), but the troops from Hangu (which were to have helped us to drive off the enemy and relieve Shinawari) had come to their rescue, and last night the garrisons of the three forts were withdrawn with the troops to Ilangu. To-day it is dull and we can't signal to Hangu, but we expect the troops hourly. The enemy have burned Ghogra, Sifeldarra, and Lacca, now evacuated, and are attacking Dhar and Sangar Forts. The latter are garrisoned by the 36th and the former by the border police, Both are far stronger than the vacated ones, and there is no likelihood of either being taken.

Fort Lockhart, Aug. 29th.

Blair still goes on well. Shinawari, garrisoned by border police, was taken and burnt yesterday. The garrison escaped. No serious attack has been made on any of the military posts yet; nor is it the least likely, as they are far stronger and are all garrisoned by Sikhs, not by border and traps-border tribes, like the police posts. All the telegraph wires are cut, and a great piece has been taken out of ours to prevent repairs. We keep up intermittent communication with Kohat (40 miles) and Hangu (17 miles) by heliograph. The days have been cloudy though of late.

Fort Lockhart, 12th Sept.

The General (Yeatman Biggs) team staff came up here the other day but left yesterday evening. We heard diem firing all night, but just now (11. a.m.) all is quiet, though we can see the enemy's standards two miles off in each direction. Oh for a field gun ?

Last Friday Gulistan was rather heavily attacked at 2 p.m. Colonel Haughton and I and 50 men marched over, arriving about 5-30. We met with some volleys from a village across the valley, but no one was touched. Three men were slightly wounded at Gulistan when we arrived, and Pratt had been shot through the helmet, but was himself untouched. Fire continued till 2 a.m., when it practically ceased till 8 a.m. ; then it began again and continued till noon. We then got a couple of volleys into the dense mass of men at 1,200 yards distance where they thought themselves cut of range. We killed two or three and frightened the rest so much that they cleared off, and we returned here at 5 p.m.

Kohat, 18th Sept.

Here I am again. All last Sunday I was busy putting up wire entangle­ments at Fort Lockhart, and rubbing the skin off my hands till 3 p.m., when Colonel Haughton came up to me and said that he and the Adjutant were going out with 50 men to create a diversion in favour of Saragheri, which had been fighting hard and lost four or five men out of 21; (this we knew by heliograph messages). He therefore left me in charge with 120 men of the 36th and about 21 sick of the Royal Irish (left behind by the General). It wasn't nice being left in that way, for when I said `1 Good-bye " to the two of them I hardly expected to see them both back. I went up on the parapet of the fort and had got the Royal Irish up, as they bad magazine rifles-(the Sikhs have only Martinis)-to cover the Colonel with long range fire when he returned. Luckily I watched Saragheri through the long telescope, and before our party had gone more than half-a-mile of the two miles I saw the Orakzais rush from inside on..., to the parapet of Saragheri. I had the retreat sounded, and Colonel Haughton came back. Next morning it was in ruins. It appears that the wooden door had been simply riddled with bullets till it collapsed and the tribesmen walked in. The sentry killed 20 of them, and all the wounded fired from their beds. Rumours say that 200 of the enemy were killed. The signaller alone was kept alive-not by any fault of his, for any Sikh would shoot himself rather than fall into the hands of a Pathan, He was signalling to the last, and probably his rifle was taken before he bad a chance of using it on himself, Two-thirds of the Afridi Lashkar were said to be there as well as the Orakzais; and the impetuous nature of the attack was, I believe, due to the rivalry between the tribes. After that a still more determined attack was made on Gulistan, and was continued until we-the General and ourselves­relieved it at mid-day on Tuesday. The General left Hangu just before mid­night on Monday, marched up to the E, end of the range and along the top, having a fight at Goghra. Being joined by us at Fort Lockhart he `vent on at once, leaving the weary Irishmen behind, and shelled the enemy on Saragberi with four mountain guns of No. 2 Derajat battery. We, the 36th and Second Punjab Infantry, advanced across the valley and up the hill to Saragheri. The Adjutant led one company of Sikhs, while I acted as figure-head to the other. We pressed on at once towards Gulistan, the guns opening fire at about 3,000 yards from a position just below Saragheri. As we came in sight of Gulistan we saw the garrison simply firing for all they were worth. Wondering what could be up we pressed on, only to find that the enemy were running away across an open space, and the Sikhs were knocking them over << like rabbits " as they said. We marched back in the evening, the Hangu troops having completed 24 miles over the roughest conceivable ground, and fought two more or less general actions, though not particularly hardly-contested ones, as the casualties were less than a dozen.


This important fixture was to have been played on November 27th, but the state of the weather caused it to be postponed till the following Wednesday, December 1. Our ground had somewhat recovered from the recent rain, but was still heavy. The School XI. was composed as follows:-Cornu (goal) ; Haslam (captain), Thomas (backs) ; Twigg, Waterfall, Lee (half-backs) ; Coombe, Forsdike, Hattersley, James, Brown (forwards). It should be stated that Thomas started as half­back, but went back just before half-time. We lost the toss and started to play uphill. The College was the first to be aggressive, but Twigg stopped the rush, while hattersley got well away for the School. However, our opponents, making use of the sloping ground, again came down, and Lee gave a corner, which was got away, Next, the School forwards cleverly worked the ball up to the top end, and a goal seemed imminent, but James was at fault at the finish. We were quite holding our own with our bigger opponents. The next feature of note was a particularly fine dropping shot from the right half, which Cornu just managed to tip over the bar cleverly. The pressure being maintained, our defence was subject to a severe test, and Lee, in en­deavouring to clear, placed the ball dangerously near his own goal, but its downfall was not to be yet. Hereabouts Thomas was well marking Parker. Clever work by Haslam and Twigg gave our forwards many openings, but the ball was always put wide, though once an open goal was unaccountably missed-by which of the forwards it was impossible to see. At the other end Waterfall missed his kick and let in Parker at close quarters, who without steadying himself shot, but to our relief the ball went wide. This was the narrowest escape as yet. With renewed energy we took up the attack, and Coombe broke away, but the ball was sent back. Next, during a strong attack on the School goal, the visitors were awarded a penalty kick, the reason for which being rather obscure. No little excitement was manifested, but the ball was put wide of the posts amidst ringing cheers. This seemed to stimulate the School, and a grand rush was made right up to the College goal, but the defence prevailed. Coombe was next prominent by a smart run up the touch line, following this up with a clever long shot, which just passed wide of the mark. At the other end Haslam and Thomas, who had now gone back, broke up every attempt to score on the part of our opponents. A few minutes before half-time Parker got clean away, and shot strongly ; a fierce scrimmage then took place in the goal mouth, in which Cornu was seen to save magnificently, but unfortunately Thomas, who had dashed in, was badly shaken and was forced to retire. Half-time came almost immediately after with no score. We had by no means had the worst of the play, our defence, though severely tested, having stood firm. During the interval it was discovered that Thomas' injury was rather serious, and the game was restarted without him. Play was not so exciting as in the first half, partly because being a man short our defensive powers had to be drawn out to the full. At the very start we were forced back, and from a neat centre the ball was banged in, but it rebounded with terrific force off Cornu's knees as the whistle blew for offside. Haslam, with some judicious kicks, kept play in midfield for some time, but ten minutes from the resumption a combined effort on the right wing ended in Coward giving Cornu no chance, thus drawing first blood. On resuming Thomas gallantly returned, and helped to keep the College at bay. Our forwards tried to work their way down, Coombe and Forsdike especially deserving commendation. Twigg had a difficult wing on the left to keep in check, Whitmore playing a strong game-rather too strong for the occasion. We were gradually forced back, and Parker cleverly set in motion his forwards, with the result that Ellis again beat Cornu. Though twenty minutes remained for play, the scoring was all done, and in spite of attacks by both sides no other point was scored. A word of praise should be given to Brown for the plucky way in which he tried to get through in the closing stages. And so ended a memorable contest. In summing up there would seem to he little or no disparity between the two teams. The sterling defence of the School, and the clashing onset of the College forwards stand out by themselves, and when it be remembered that the visiting forwards were a bigger lot than our own, there surely should be no cause for anything but congratulation to those who so perseveringly and steadfastly upheld the honour of the School. Whether, but for the unfortunate injury to Thomas, the result would have been different is a matter of specula­tion, but it must be borne in mind that till his injury Thomas was playing a splendid game, and that the first goal was scored when he was off the field. Briefly reviewing the School XI., Haslam must be congratulated, both on his sound display and also on his captaincy. Thomas ably seconded him, and deserves all praise for returning after his injury. Of the halves Twigg was the pick, and got through his difficult task satisfactorily. Lee with more experience will shape well. Waterfall is played in too many positions for him to become good in one. Coombe was our best forward, and Brown and Forsdike were fair. James seemed slow, and Hattersley was weak in the centre, though he stuck to his work. Of Cornu no praise could be too high. It was readily admitted by both sets of partizans that he was the best goalkeeper the School has had for a great many years, and it is with great pleasure that we endorse the same remark. Rarely a match passes without our having to thank Cornu for something in the way of a clever save or two, and the fact that but for him the score in the match in question would have assumed large proportions speaks for itself. With a little more luck we might have won, but as it is we may congratulate the School in general and the team in particular on a worthy performance.

S.R.G.S. V. OLD Boys.

Played on the School Ground on December 8th. The weather was most unfavourable, as in addition to the state of the ground, which the recent rain had turned into a quagmire, a. deluge of mingled rain and snow fell shortly before the start. Fortunately this held off, but a biting wind remained to render scientific play impossible. Still, a fast game was seen, the Old Boys winning the toss, and thus having the advantage of the wind. A constant attack was maintained, but without effect for some time. Cornu brought off some fine saves, especially on one occasion when Waterfall by mistake turned the ball almost through his own goal. However, P. Stokes soon got his range, and after Cornu had saved shots from him and Harrison the former put the ball past him. Play, however, was not confined to the home quarters, the School forwards frequently getting away, but Walker was not troubled much. After a spell of mid-field operations, the Old Boys got down and scored a second goal. Half-time came soon after, thirty-five minutes only being played. Immediately on resuming, from a neat centre, Cockayne headed a third goal, the result of a bad blunder on the part of the School backs, who got in Cornu's way as he came out. Nothing daunted, the School took up the attack, and the brothers Chambers were repeatedly called on. At the other end Harrison was given offside when well placed, and the ensuing free kick transferred play to. midfield. Here the home forwards got going, and when in front of goal Forsdike nimbly ran in between the two backs and scored a very clever goal. A few minutes later he repeated the performance ; the ball was bobbing about in front of Walker, when he seized an opportu­nity, and again rushing in scored another point. This caused some excitement, and amidst cheers and cries of enthusiasm the game was resumed. A foul to the School ought to have lead to something, but the defence was strong. Wigfull, at half, was playing a dashing game, and started an attack on the home citadel, but the ball was pub wide. Bramley was next prominent by a smart run, but the ball came back, and though the School made every endeavour to equalize, time found the scores 3-2 in favour of the Old Boys. Appended are the teams -Old Boys : Walker (goad) ; J. G. Chambers, E. Chambers (backs) ; Wigfull, Dr. Stokes, A. N. Other (half-backs) ; Harrison, P. Stokes, Cockayne, Bramley, Hydes (forwards). S.R.G.S.: Cornu (goal) ; Haslam (captain), Waterfall (backs) ; Mr. Barton, Twigg, F. Sampson (O.B.), (half backs) ; James, Forsdike, Mr. Richardson, Coombe, Thomas (forwards).

S.R.G.S. v. Y.M.C.A 2ND XI.

This match was played on Saturday, January 24th. Haslam won the toss, and elected to play downhill. The game opened well, and both sides showed good form, Brown and Forsdike being conspicuous for some pretty combination. Occasionally there was some little excitement round the School goal, but Haslam and Thomas cleared well, and at half-time the score was:-Y.M.C.A,, 0 goal; S.R.G.S., 0 goal. On restarting the School again opened well, and the forwards had a splendid run up, resulting in a goal for us, scored by R. Brown (O.B.). This seemed to arouse our opponents, and their forwards managed a successful run up, the ball glancing through off the goal­post. Not long after a second goal was headed through by the Y.M.C.A. After this some brisk play followed, but notwithstanding the efforts of the School we were once more driven back, and another goal was scored against us, Cornu having been knocked down after fighting bravely. The rest of the game was of a brisk character, although the points remained unchanged, and on the whistle blowing the score was -Y.M.C.A., 3 goals ; S.R.G.S., I goal. Team :-Cornu (goal) ; Has­lam, Thomas (backs) ; Mr. King, Lee, Mr. Barton (half-backs) ; Brown, James, R. Brown, Air. Richardson, Forsdike (forwards).



In the first eleven match Sharrow scratched, as they were unable to raise a team.


Played on November 3rd. Sharrow team : Simpson, Vessey, Fagan, Roberts, Earle, Wild, Bookless 11, Crossley, Davies I, Hydes, Hallam team : Williams, Bagshawe, Thompson IT., M'Manus, Snow, Denton, Maples, Blandy, Jump, Holburn. Sharrow won by 4-0.

OUR numerous readers will share the regret felt by the still wider circle of his personal friends for the illness which has temporarily deprived us of our chief. The onerous duties attaching to the Head­mastership have told even upon Mr. Senior's power of endurance. His efforts for the welfare of the School exerted, we may say, day and night, and prolonged into vacation time, have left him but little oppor­tunity for recuperation. Absolute rest has been ordered as imperative by his medical advisers, and a long sea voyage prescribed as the best of all restoratives. Mr. Senior sailed for the Cape on January 22nd in the s.s. Guelph. We heartily wish him God speed, and feel sure that we but voice the prayer of all that he may return to us perfectly invigorated and restored in three months' time.

In the interim the Governors of the School have entrusted the duties of Head-Master to the Rev. A. B. Haslam. Under his able direction the School will go on the even tenour of its way ; and the boys, we are sure, being actuated by a desire to show their loyalty and regard for their Head-master, will contribute in every possible way to make the present term a thoroughly successful one.

Some necessary re-arrangement of work has occurred, chiefly on the Mathematical side, and the services of an additional Master requisitioned for the Term. We have much pleasure in welcoming Mr. R. W. Woodward, B.A., lately Second Master of Loughborough Grammar School.

Mr. H. B. Groves, of New College, Oxford, has also been taking some temporary duty with us.

We congratulate Dr. Latham upon gaining the degree of Bachelor of Music at the University of London. . Only one other candidate was successful in the recent examination.

In the Entrance Examination (held in January) of the Society of Chartered Accountants, W. May was placed tenth in the whole list of upwards of 180 candidates. W. Wing (0.B.) was also successful in the same Examination.

The following new boys have joined the School this term.­Merryweather, Form IV., and Division 3A; Middleton, III., 4 ; Edeson, II., 5 ; Thrutchley, IL, 6 ; Doyle, I., 4 ; Froggatt, I., 4; Moore, I., 4 ; Russel, 1., 5 ; Wild, I., 5 ; Bateman, I., 6 ; Evans, I., 6; Johnson, I., 6 ; Mower, I., 6.

Preparatory, Div. 1:-Gray, Dodson, Hawson, Ward, Whale. Preparatory, Div. II:-Black I, Black II, Dust, Hutchinson, Hulett, Wood.

John Bishop Tingle, Ph.D., F.C.S., has been appointed Lecturer on Chemistry at the Lewis Institute, Chicago.

Mr. J. A. Rodgers, Organist of Sir Mary's Church, has obtained the Diploma of Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music.

Mr. Charles Robinson has been appointed a Commissioner to administer oaths.

The list of Monitors now includes the following: -Norwood, Dalton I, Pate, Eyre, Glauert, Haslam, Coombe I, Thomas.

We are pleased to chronicle the inauguration of a Magazine Club in the School. The initiative is due to Dalton I ; and excellent progress has been made. The purpose of the Society is to take in a number of the better-known Magazines, and a Reading Room will be arranged and placed under the care of the Monitors. A General Meeting was bold on Feb. 15th, when the number of prospective mem­bers was already over fifty. The Committee will consist of the Monitors and four additional members elected by the General Meeting. The subscription is sixpence monthly. The following were elected members of Committee :-Coore, Cornu, Turner, Hahn.